Most of us are wise enough to call in the professionals when it comes to tackling the electrics. For making the process of selecting the right electrician less daunting, we know how difficult it can be to find good trade!

It’s often going to be part of general building work once you’re having electrical work done where your chosen builder probably have a favorite contractor.
It is obvious that all approved contractors are expected to work to high standards but there are bound to be occasional problems. Once your lovely new light fitting turns out to be a frightening bundle of wires that showers you with pretty sparks, don’t lose hope! Firstly, let your contractor know you aren’t happy in writing. Proceedings further, follow the complaints procedure of the organization where your contractor gets registered that you can find out by phoning or checking their website. However, it’s difficult to sort out problems which are another good reason to use an accredited electrician.
Based on the research done by U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 32,000 dedicated electrical inspectors were in the workforce in 2014.
Well, that’s a good number of electrical inspectors!
Much electrical work is done with pen and paper, creating mountains of paperwork and making effective sharing of information difficult and hectic.
So, here’s the Process Sheet electrical programs inspection checklists where we want to make sure the inspectors using their platform can make most of the software to speed up their processes, record, and compile information simpler, easier automatically generate reports and ultimately keep making the world a safer space.
1) Electrical Safety
For a given website, use this website to assess the compliance of electrical safety measures. Evaluation of the workers whether they are knowledgeable on electrical safety measures and are aware of their responsibility to report any hazards and hurdles. Before getting into performing an electrical maintenance and installation work, it is equally important that lock out tag out procedures is being followed by workers. Facilitate an overall safety assessment of the workplace in managing electrical hazards.
2) Electrical Hazards
Utilize this checklist before the commencement of work every day to check for hazards that could cause an electrocution. Finally, check if general electrical safety measures are followed. Next inspect if power tools, extension and flexible cords are safely utilized and most importantly, evaluation is equally necessary if grounding procedures are applied to all equipment and tools. At last, determine if employees comply with the safety regulations when working around power lines. For the improvement of safety, facilitate an overall hazard rating and recommendations.
3) LOTO (Log Out Tag Out)
Lock out Tag out (LOTO) procedure template can be used while servicing industrial equipment to protect workers against electrical hazards.
Before servicing industrial equipment, you must use these LOTO procedures.
o Recording the nature of work
o Hazardous energy sources
o Employees involved in the procedures
Ensure that an area is cleared from unnecessary tools, do a site walkthrough and check if employees are trained and notified about the procedure. After that, check the quality and efficiency of LOTO devices being utilized. What’s more important is to evaluate if the step-by-step procedure was followed while applying and removing LOTO devices. Finally, rate the overall LOTO process and provide recommendations.
4) Fire Extinguisher Checklist
In a workplace, electrical hazards and faults can cause fire or explosions. Prevention of fires from spreading and saving lives can be done accessing to functional fire extinguishers. If you want to perform your monthly fire extinguisher inspections in the workplace, use this checklist. You should have the correct extinguishers for the said hazards and they are charged and not defective, however you can do this by ensuring first.
Now that you’ve been into the processes and how they can be used on site, it’s time to implement something!
Make sure you continuously follow the right processes while maintaining records of your visits and simultaneously keep record of your workflows just by shifting your on-site inspection operations to Process Street.
Simply, click on add one of these processes to your organization and you can start using them accordingly after your immediate action.
Well, there’s a big world out there. Keep it safe for us!